When the day breaks

March 20th, 2010


When the day breaks

Articol scris de Monica

Intamplarile de zi cu zi

Poate nu realizam intotdeauna, dar ne definesc si ne tin aproape de cei din jurul nostru, fie ei prieteni, familie, cunoscuti sau oameni cu care nu am schimbat o vorba vreodata. Iar ordinarul nu e nicidecum lipsit de semnificatii. Pe acestea le putem dibui in cele mai (aparent) neinsemnate imagini de  tot felul de peste zi. Acesta-i aspectul asupra caruia se opresc realizatorii animatiei de fata, invaluita bine intr-o metafora cu aroma de lamaie. Veti vedea de ce :) .

Palm d’ Or la Cannes in 1999. Realizata de canadieni, cu mult bun gust. Iata ce spun: When the Day Breaks illuminates life’s most ordinary aspects a toaster, a lemon, a trip to the store and endows them with a visceral power. Co-directors Wendy Tilby and Amanda Forbis use pencil and paint on photocopies to achieve a textured look suggestive of a lithograph or a flickering newsreel. With deft humor and finely rendered detail, When the Day Breaksevokes the promise and fragility of a new day, hinting that these moments are what will some day form our memories; that the everyday is what defines us and connects us.(via)

Productie: National Film Board of Canada
Regie: Wendy Tilby, Amanda Forbis.

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  1. Foarte draguta animatia

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