Left-brained Larry, right-brained Rachel

April 29th, 2011


Left-brained Larry, right-brained Rachel

Articol scris de Oana


Cunoasteti, aveti prieteni, va impresioneaza cazurile in care sunt implicati? Indiferent de raspunsul pe care vi-l dati, sau nu, va propun sa vizionati pana la capat scurt metrajul “Left-brained Larry, right-brained Rachel”. Veti descoperi o poveste emotionanta despre destinul mai putin fericit a lui Rachel si Larry. Societatea in care traiesc nu-i ajuta deloc, ba mai mult, ii izoleaza, ii blameaza pentru ceva ce nu a tinut de alegerea lor. Faptul ca impart acelasi creier nu le-a afectat insa si personalitatea. Mai mult, nu i-a impiedicat pe ce doi frati sa-si dezvolte caracterele in directii diametral opuse (pana la un punct).
Cu toate acestea, intampina o sumedenie de dificultati care nu se sfarsesc intotdeauna in cea mai placuta maniera. Timpul petrecut impreuna ii face sa priveasca lumea prin alti ochi. In timp ce se maturizeaza isi gasesc activitati comune si chiar pun la cale un plan.
Inchei aici cu detaliile si va las sa aflati singuri finalul productiei scrisa de Sally A. Ward in iunie 2009.

Aaa, inca ceva ce mie mi-a placut sa aflu: “I’ve had the idea for this story for a couple of years before I came to the European Film College (EFC). I’ve always been very interested in how the brain works and how intelligence can be categorized between individuals and at the time I had recently read what is now my favourite book,
The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and other stories by my number one idol Tim Burton.”

Alte posturi


  1. Oana

    Multumesc! Te mai asteptam pe aici. :)

  2. Dragut articol…si scurtul acesta mi se pare interesant :) felicitari :)

  3. Niels Wee

    Im sorry that I simply don’t understand a single word that has been written on this site, but the smilies indicate that you are all quite found of the movie I produced :-) – It is always nice to get a good response on your work – so thanks for that.

    I would however like for someone to correct the title of the animation. Its official name is Left-brained Larry & Right-brained Rachel and in short just L&R and so I would be very happy if you could correct it. Thanks for your support.

    Niels Wee

  4. Super interesant.Excelent articol.:) Te mai asteptam si cu alte lucruri la fel de interesante.

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